isnt it crazy how fast time flies? it was like yesterday when i wrote the article for thiis year,and now here we are, a couple of days before 2022. Well i hope u enjoy either way and ofc take inspiration to write your own 2021!

Take care

are you excited for 2022?

negin vand image
yes & no

how was 2021 for you?

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at the start of the year i was going through my hardest period and i have never been in more pain and more hopeless. But i fought against it and i made it ,so the rest was just time for relief and find myself back after that.

did you make new friends this year?

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yes actually i met some wonderful poeple that became my friends eventually and i spend more time with the people i care.

did you lose friends this year?

negin vand image
i didnt, but i lost someone that meant everything to me. I lost unexpectedly my grandma a month ago and it really destroyed me bc we were so close and she was my safe place

what's your favorite memory of this year?

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well i went clubbing last night in a very famous one with my friends and it was great fun ,so yea maybe that.

did you change something about yourself this year?

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i changed my style and i took more care of myself and my beauty.

are you happy with yourself this year?

girl and beauty image
well im really proud of myself, i proved me wrong when i thought i would never be okay again or smile, but here we are. I think that counts more than anything.

what's your least favorite memory from this year?

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that weekend in april and my grandmas funeral

did you fall in love?

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can u fall in love when you dont love yourself?

what date will you remember from this year?

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11 september - went a beautiful trip with my family and saw beautiful landscapes

how did you spend your summer?

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many nights out and a lot of swimming

did you try out new hobbies?

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i tried to write a story but i failed, does it count?

did you read any books, and if so which one was ur fave?

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ohh here we areee. i am a real book lover so many many books this year. But my fav ones was the caraval trilogy by Stefanie Garber and the clockwork trilogy by Cassandra Clare.

did you travel anywhere this year? if so, where?

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i went small road trips here and there, but i plan big trips for 2022 in Europe.

what day this year changed your life?

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well cant even remember but i made progress slowly from what i was going through , so my life changed for the better those days.

how was your mental health this year?

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i think that my answers to the other questions made it clear.

did you start / finish any tv shows?

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many ones actually like la casa de papel, the crown , the 100 a.m.

movies that you loved?

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i went to the premiere in cinema of spiderman: no way home and i have to say its one of the best if not the best movie i have ever seen, i cant even describe how amazing it was for me who i was and i am a big marvel fan. I also watched two days ago interstellar and its one of the movies in my list that i wish i could see for the first time. It was breathtaking!

rate this year from 1 to 10.

negin vand image
Thank u 2021 . See ya

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by @clairelkp23


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