the update of the thirty kingdoms aes, primarily because so many of the photos are gone or deleted now and i've created ten more kingdoms.
FENRYS"there is never a dull moment with the kingdom of fenrys, they throw the most lavish and most extravagant parties but they are quite difficult to take seriously."GALENE"a beautiful kingdom almost completely surrounded by a sea of water. all the royals here don't entirely bother with fancy garments and the people here are known to be extraordinarily charming."HALEYON"a beautiful nation known to be rather peaceful since its beginnings..."GALAD"a ruthless nation with an unnerving history. despite the people here being rather unpleasant, it rather helpful to have them on one's side."AELIN"traditional,' some would say, 'boring," other would murmur. whatever one may think, the people of aelin know everything there is to be a proper royal but how much does that matter, hm?"ELYSIAN"the trendsetters of the thirty kingdoms. a beautiful and prosperous kingdom that rose from poverty into success with the help of other kingdoms."LASSULUS"a freezing nation that breeds incredible fighters and diligent warriors."AMBROSIA"a nation gifted to one of the higher god's mortal lovers, the people of ambrosia are quite cunning and live on ideals of free will and sensuality."THERON"a warm and large kingdom gifted with much beauty."HIRAETH"a rather aloof kingdom that has been known to keep itself. with its pools of pristine blue and skies of grey, the people of hiraeth hardly get into any disputes with other kingdoms."NESRIN"it's rare to see people from here smiling but they are often intelligent and are sure to let you know they are the smartest people in the room."AURELIA"a nation that promotes ideas of perfection and creates some of the most astounding women in royalty."MERIDIA"old-fashioned in terms of weaponry but a fairly medium-sized kingdom with people full of life and mischief."ANDROMEDA"a nation with a rather unsettling backstory on its previous firstborns. it is quite common for many of them to wind up dead after coronation but... that must be just a rumor, right?"PHEME"a sweet and small nation that opens up its borders to everyone."MAZU"believed to be the birthplace of magic, the kingdom of mazu is truly enchanting... despite its dark appearance, it is beautiful and full of life alongside its people."AIDEN"plagued by war it is rumored that nothing good ever grows in the kingdom of aiden."JANUS"a prosperous and jubilant kingdom full of fresh fruits and home to many famous feasts amongst royalty."CERISE"much like janus, it is rumored that this kingdom was gifted with good luck as cerise has a rather clean streak and has always come out untouched in times of war."XURIAN"a stoic but well brought up kingdom. its nation is well versed on matters of war and the building of weaponry."ARCANE"the people of arcane care much about appearances, especially as one of the newest kingdoms. they are often quite delicate and admire luxury."ERIS"a kingdom born with a love for the arts and an admiration for its members of royalty."EIRA"people from here are said to be very inventive much like its members of royalty. despite its current feud with the kingdom of eris, both have managed to rise in popularity in their own ways."ILLYRIA"the symbol of unity for all the thirty nations."AZRIEL"an icy kingdom that has made royals with warm hearts and compassion for its people. nevertheless, they are said to be a bit insane sometimes.."MAVKA"the second borns of mavka have always come out on top in terms of agents in the S.S.S and have been known to be diligent fighters."ARDOR"the kingdom of ardor adores wealth and holds quite a greedy past, especially the kingdom being a literal gift from a higher god."DYSANIA"with a rather deadly and unfortunate past, the kingdom of dysania has always had to fight for greatness but that's never stopped them from achieving it."ASTERIA"the people here adore knowledge and ideals of enlightenment and educating the masses. it has a fairly clean streak in terms of its history."VEGA"ever since its downfall, it's rare one ever hears anything from this kingdom.. its vacancy in many of the royal gatherings has left one to question whether or not it should no longer be considered that of a kingdom."ELINOR"the kingdom of secrets."KALON"the kingdom of blacksmiths always comes prepared and ready for war."ORANE"filled with rich vineyards and praised for its wine, the kingdom orane thrives on gossip and scandal."LORCAN"a kingdom that thrives on every war it has one. if there is a time for disagreement or dispute, the house of lorcan is always prepared to add fuel to the fire."ARIUS"sparkling in appearance, covered in a mix of snow and greenery, the small kingdom of arius thrives on being the main source of lumber for many kingdoms in need of need shipbuilding as well as architecture."WENDLYN"kingdom of crime, kingdom of gambling, and alcohol. if not to have a good time or potentially get robbed... why would one go to wendlyn?"SAOIRSE"though smaller than most kingdoms and a bit underappreciated, the kingdom and royals of saoirse have devoted their lives to the arts and music, much like elysian.ISDOLE"one would be wise not to trust this kingdom, despite being the very center of trade for the united nations. the people here can charm their way through anything."AZURA"unlike most royals, the nobles of azura understand what it's like to suffer for greatness. though it leads them to appear conceited and calculating, even, they are fearless and willing to do what it takes to survive."MIRELLE"the kingdom of silks and garments."
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