Hellow mellows!

Sorry for uploading late again this month (this time I also don't have a good excuse tbh). I am still working on how exactly I want the articles of this series to look like. So I guess for the beginning and the next few articles there won't be a fixed structure yet. Please forgive me haha

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If you are interested you can check out my previous articles of the series:




by @Freyalora


My January Accomplishments:

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My main goal for January was primarily to get back on track after a few tough weeks.

° Fitness

I started working out on a daily basis again and I truly missed moving my body.

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Let me tell you one tip: It doesn't matter in what way you are moving your body, as long as you move at all. If you are not the type for a HIIT workout I totally feel you! Just try to find out what works for you :)

For me that would be:


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I love Yoga especially because it can be so versatile. It can be calming & relaxing or energizing or just a nice stretch. But no matter what it always creates a strong bond between your mind and your body. It really makes you mindful to take care of your mental AND physical health.

Strength workouts

Image by Rosalie H. ♡

I just like to train specific areas of my body. To really focus on one muscle group at the time. So each morning I decide on what muscle group to train by listening to what my body needs. For example when I experienced a big amount of back pain the last days I might just go with a workout to strengthen my back. If I have sore arms its probably not the best idea to do an arm shred the next day. You get the idea.

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But I read that this might not be the best approach for beginners since thinking about what workout to do for too long can keep you from actually doing it. So if you are motivated to start working out I would recommend to decide on the workout you want to do the evening before :)


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For me it feels like a perfect combination of Yoga and strength workouts. I really recommend Sanne Vloet's YouTube channel if you are interested in Pilates:


But she also publishes videos for a healthy diet and overall lifestyle. So go check it out

°Healthy Diet

Image by NooraMoon

For me the greatest problem with food since Corona started is that it's always present. By that I mean we spend most of our time in our homes where food (and especially snacks) are always available and it's hard to not think about that chocolate bar waiting for you in the drawer full of snacks.

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So for me I decided, that I just won't buy snacks anymore, which also saves me tons of money.

But soon I found myself just snacking on a slice of bread instead because of boredom, wich made me think that I might have to change my relationship with food in general.

So what did I do to change it?

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1st: replaced snacks with healthy alternatives like fruits or rice waffles with peanut butter (has a lot of proteins btw)

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2nd: distracting myself from eating by playing video games were both of my hands are needed, going on a walk or working out.

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3rd: having balanced meals

°Finished "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

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So proud of myself for making reading a part of my morning routine again.

Image by Rosalie H. ♡

A few words about the book:

For me it was more of a manifesting of what I already knew but the tips were pretty helpful. If you are looking for a book that helps you to become the best version of yourself by telling you how to start good new habits and also how to break bad ones I highly recommend this bestseller.

My Goals For February:

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So after I told you about my accomplished January goals of getting back on track with my diet and workout routine again I want to tell you about my goals for the rest of this month.

° Mindfullness

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This one is much harder than I thought it would be. Last year I found that not only my focus in my lectures suffered but I found it also hard to focus on the things I actually enjoy. For example even if I watch my fav series or music videos I end up with my phone in my hand or something I still have to do comes to my mind and I can't get my thoughts off it...

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One thing I actually learned from "Atomic Habits" on how to avoid bad habits is to make them "impossible" or just hard and unsatisfying.

So here is how I will do it:

1st: Put my phone out of reach in my drawer.

2nd: If I decide to check my phones anyways I will pause the video or lecture.

3rd: If I think of something that bothers me I will just pause what I am doing for short to write it down and take care of it afterwards.

° Get My Booty Out Of My Room

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In my 2022 goals article I said that one of my goals would be to take a walk every day... Well here is how it went: Since I've come home after the holidays I went on a walk exactly for once, last week.

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But every time I decide to go for a walk I end up enjoying it really much, so I don't understand why it is so difficult for me to make it a routine.

So I decided to try out another approach from "Atomic Habits" here:

Really plan out when and after wich of my other habits I will go on a walk. It's called "habit stacking".

° Start A Cooking Book

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Lately I pretty much stick with the same 5 recipes for lunch/dinner every day. And, don't understand me wrong, I love these meals but I just want to try out new things. Especially Asian foods. I also want to find new good protein sources I can implement in my diet. My problem is that cooking has become just another boring comfort zone I find really hard to leave.




god's menu

by @Freyalora


That made me think about what the things are that make it so hard for me to try out new meals. At first I was confused because it couldn't be a lack of inspiration since I find so many interesting recipes on Insta or Pinterest I really want to tryout.

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So I found that my actual problem was the grocery shopping XD. Since I cook the same meals over and over again every time I go grocery shopping I end up buying more or less the same things. I won't even need a list.

And it's pretty inconvinient to search through your phone for the one recipe you saw on social media when you are already at the supermarket.

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So I decided to write down the recipes I want to try in a book. That way I already put some effort in the dish by spending some of my time writing down the ingredients and how it's made.

I am convinced that this will help me, I will keep you all posted :)

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° Dress Up Everyday

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I am just way more productive if I don't spend the whole day in my pyjamas... (Even if they are the most comfortable to wear T.T)

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This will also help me to get out more since I won't have to change anymore in order to leave my apartment if I am already dressed up

° Read My Book Of The Month

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This month I actually have two books I would love to read: "Why men love bitches" by Sherry Argov and "Women don't owe you pretty" by Florence Given. My goal is to finish at least one of them. I will give you an update and a review on it in the next WIAB article, so stay tuned ;).




the beauty of women

by @Freyalora


focusing a bit on feminism this month ^^

° Studying For My Exams

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In two weeks I have my first exam of the 3rd semester. And I think the first one will be the hardest. So I want to have a whole week where I can focus on only studying. In order to that I will have to finish all my other lectures by the end of next week. So wish me luck with that ^^




learning space

by @Freyalora


° Buy A Humidifier

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This winter my skin is dryer than ever. It's most likely due to the dry air caused by the heater in my room. And I am done spending so much money on trying to find another "rich cream for dry skin".I saw that you can buy Humidifiers at Amazon that are even cheaper than my face cream... So I thought instead of spending another 50€ on creams that are empty within a month I will try this. If it's going to help it will safe me so much money in the future.

° Take dancing classes again

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Now that I got on track with my workout schedule and my overall motivation I really want to take dance classes on a regular basis again. I will start tomorrow with a Beginner choreo at ED K-pop! I will learn Hwang Sooyeon choreo to Twice's "More & More".

That's it for this article. I hope you enjoyed it even if it was a bit long.

See you soon!!!

My other articles of the series:




by @Freyalora


This is where you can find my other articles:




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by @Freyalora


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motivation // sport👟& diet🥑

by @Freyalora






by @Freyalora





a student’s life

by @Freyalora


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