Hello everyone! Welcome back to another episode of the GUD! In today's episode I'll be sharing my workout plan for the next bit of time. As always, enjoy and leave a heart!

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most recent episode here

My Workout Plan

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In January I did Chloe Ting's two week shred from 2021. I don't have many days to workout now in college so I'm using workouts that are super effective and work the whole body. Check it out!

  • Combo 1: Abs Focus
  • Combo 2: Glutes + Upper Body Combo
  • Combo 3: Legs and Cardio
  • Combo 4: Pilates + HIIT

Enjoy those combinations!

My Diet Plan

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To be perfectly honest, I was super restrictive with my diet semester 1. I literally tracked everything I ate, every calorie and macro/micro nutrient and I had to write down everything I ate. It was so stressful for no reason. I'm focusing on intuitive eating this semester and I'm doing zero tracking whatsoever.

But here's what I've been eating lately!

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  • a protein with each meal- like chicken sausage for breakfast, salmon, or chicken breast
  • greens of any kind- usually romaine lettuce but also green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts
  • another kind of vegetable- carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms are common ones
  • some sort of starch or carb- usually brown or white rice but sometimes potatoes
  • at least one serving of fruit each day- pineapple, apples, banana, strawberries usually (trying to get up to two)
  • date bars and granola bars since I don't have time for breakfast in the morning
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And I usually have a cup of coffee (or two), several bottles of water, and a bit of chocolate at some point.

Health goals for the moment

Image by luna rose

Although I am not calorie tracking, I am trying to maintain a calorie deficit so I can lose a little weight that I gained over winter break. Only a few pounds max. Because I don't really like the dining hall food and I walk so much here this is going to happen even if I don't try. So it's not something I'm really concerned about.

Also, getting enough sleep has been one of my biggest priorities lately! I've bene going to bed at a pretty good time every night and I'm proud of myself. I have a hard time sleeping in college though.

Well that's all for this episode of the GUD! See you next time!


choco lemon




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