Ahmedabad: Organising a birthday bash for their pet dog landed three men in Gujarat’s Ahemadabad after a video of the lavish party went viral on social media. Gujarat police on Saturday arrested the three under the Epidemic Diseases Act, for violating the pandemic guidelines at a time when cases are soaring in the state. Chirag Patel and his brother Urvish Patel, both residents of Krishnagar in Ahmedabad city, had thrown a big party on the birthday of their pet dog, Abby, an Indian Spitz, along with their friend, Divyesh Mehariya, a police official said. Approximately Rs 7 lakhs was spent on Abby’s lavish birthday celebrations, according to police. - Viral Video: Sapna Choudhary Dances on Stage as Old Man Dances in Audience. Watch

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Family and friends of the trio joined the celebration organised on a plot Friday night in large numbers, where COVID-19 guidelines related to social distancing and wearing face masks were violated. A popular folk singer performed at the event, and a cake was also cut, the police informed. - WATCH | Will Young Scores Seven Runs Off One Ball During 2nd Test Between Bangladesh vs New Zealand; Video Goes VIRAL

In the viral video, a group of local performers could be seen singing songs and playing instruments, as part of the celebrations. People at the venue could be seen gathering around the stage without paying heed to COVID protocols and the party was a big blow to the safety of the residents. The venue could also be seen all decked up in hues of pink, blue and white. The unique decor also had posters of the dog.

After the video of the event vent viral on social media, an FIR was registered at Nikol police station under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Epidemic Diseases Act, following which Chirag Patel, Urvish Patel and Divyesh Mehariya were arrested.

In view of rising COVID-19 cases, Gujarat has imposed night curfew and other curbs in major cities, including Ahmedabad. To contain the transmission, the Gujarat government on Friday brought in additional curbs and extended the night curfew timings in cities.

As per the new guidelines, no more than 400 persons are allowed in an open space for political, social or religious functions.

(With inputs from ANI and PTI)