Hi guys! Long time no see...

There has been such a long time since I last posted an article here, but I was thinking about how great is to actually be able to come here from time to time and see how much my life and opinions and dreams have changed since I last wrote in here. Soooo, here I am, ready to do more articles about what I'm currently dreaming about.

So, here's my list: feel free to DM me and send your own goals maybe we can help each others!

1. Be more grateful - I want to become a more grateful person, and maybe even write down constantly (maybe daily or weekly) about thinks that I'm thankful about.

good things, inspiration, and quotes image

2. Become closer to God - So, I'm Catholic, and religion and spirituality is really important to me, so in the next year I want to be able to have an even better relationship with God, praying more, going to more masses and camps.

bible, christian, and god image

3. Take care of my heath + continue exercising - this year, after some time away from my crossfit classes due to quarantine, I came back to my gym and it was amazing and really exciting. I hope to continue exercising and taking good care of my health next year.

discover, shoes, and walking image

4. Be more organized with my academic life - I'm a med student, and I want to be more organized and active in matters regarding college stuff, and learning more about medicine (maybe find some doctors to help)

anatomy, Collage, and heart imagecollege, doctor, and inspiration image

5. Keep learning new things - continue with my japanese classes, boxing classes, maybe take guitar or singing classes - other ideas include: cooking classes (maybe sushi), photography classes, crochet classes...)

japan, japanese, and kanji imagefitness, girl, and workout imageguitar, music, and rockstar image

6. Try new thinks, go to new places and say yes to more adventures

7. Learn how to invest / earn money

8. Help others - projects + donate more

9. Read 52 books ( to beat the "me" from this year)

10. Pray 5 rosarys each month

aesthetics, cross, and details image

11. More self love + take care of me

12. Keep / collect good memories (includes taking pictures and filming happy moments)

13. Take my self less seriously + be braver ( live my young years)

Hope you guys found some ideas of things to put on your own lists! I find this really fun and helpful to do before the start of new years.

xoxo, Ana Lu