Dear readers, We Heart It Gazette started when a group of writers decided to create a new platform to keep writing articles on many different topics, each one from a unique perspective. However, this time we share bittersweet news: The We Heart It Gazette will end activities; no new articles will be published and no new administration will take over.

Although the aesthetics of this website are beautifully thought, they have not been well maintained. This is no longer a user friendly platform and is one of the reasons we decided to end this project. However, this account and all articles will exist for as long as the We Heart It Website does. Nothing will be deleted.

But you, dear readers and fellow writers, belong to this story with us. As much as we hope we inspired YOU, please know that your words and messages meant the world to us. We started this journey without thinking how it would end and even though this goodbye is bittersweet, we are very happy of what we accomplished, of the awesome writers we met and that this space helped us to grow creatively.

So, from all of us: may your stories never end, thank you for following and reading. Keep writing and finding adventures everywhere. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

Don’t forget to follow our amazing writers and all the projects that they will start.

XO, We Heart It Gazette Administration

mirror, aesthetic, and rose image