Heyy everyone, since we are approaching the new year I want to manifest my goals and plans for 2022. Hope everybody has a wonderful start to the new year.


airplane, photo, and plane imageasia, asian, and incheon image
I have a plan to travel to South Korea early in the new year, so hopefully I get to go. But also later on in the year I would love to travel to some other countries and get to experience their culture.


autumn, book, and fall imagebook image
I want to read more and expand my bookshelf in 2022.

Learn a new language

college, desk, and inspo imageaesthetic, tumblr, and weheartit image
I want to learn at least one new language this upcoming year. I want to start with Korean but plan on learn more after that.

Better a communicating with friends

beige, bestie, and best friend imagebeige, bestie, and best friend image
I am the worst at texting my friends and staying in contact with them, therefore I want to try and better myself by texting people more and saying yes to more things.

These are my main goals for the year, there is not many but instead of setting to many goals for myself I wanted to set a few and try and reach all of them.

Well, that was it, hope you enjoyed reading my article and I'm sorry if I made some mistakes, English isn't my first language.




My articles 📝

by @Wulffey_


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