Ok, darling.
So, you got here, and now, its time to get back your power again. That power that you tought you had, when you were a little girl. That spark in the eyes. That will to take the prize on the shelf. Yeah, you know, you always knew.
I'll help to get back. Ready?
Let's go!
1. Goals

First, you have to plan this year. So take a pen, some paper, or even a journal, and set some goals. You want learn french fluently? you want plan a trip? You want get into a good college? You want to get better grades? Lose those 10 pounds? Write it down.
2. Vision Board

Then, just look for pictures of what you want to achieve, and that inspires you. Do a vision board, because that will help you to visualize and have in mind your goals. Be creative!

3. Planner
Now that you already set goals and made a vision board, time to get back on track. Nothing better for this than to learn how to keep your time valuable. So, take a planner, and just plan your days. Yes. Of the moment you wake up till your sleep. You can first write down your tasks, assigments, and everything. I know, you're not a royal (yet) or a secretary, but why not keep your life busy and fulfilled? You are important enough to have your life planned. Check it everytime you think it's necessary.

4. Gym
Keep your body healthy its great, so, enter in a gym. If you are satisfied with your body, you'll live such a better life. Trust me. It's gonna be good to stop avoiding you're well being. If you don't like gym, maybe a dance class? The important it's to be active. If you can't afford a gym, exercise at home! It's way much better than not exercising at all.

5. Financial life
Well, it's really good not depending of someone, and have our own money. I know it's hard, but if you spent more than you're earn, you're broke. So, keep a budget, doesn't matter how much you earn. If you don't have a job, maybe look for one would be a good idea. Secure your bag, ladies! Try to have more than an income, or save what you can.

6. Hair and nails
Listen, have your hair game on point, and your nails game on point, it's crucial. If you have both these things, you're will be so much confident! Your self steem it's gonna blow like fireworks. If you can't ever go to the beutay salon, try to learn how to do these things at home, and try also to be consistent with that.

7. Makeup
Okay, so boom: Make up.
The sucessful woman do, everyday, their makeup. I know that we're getting started, but why not don't play the part already? Do your makeup everyday, even to go to the classes. When you look good you feel good. Try also learn about it on youtube, to increase your make up game.

8. Clotches
Please girl, clean your closet. Do your laundry. Try to bet in neutral shades, and make your closet be your friend, not your enemy. Best dressed it's always a good thing!

9. Cell phone
Well, if you're here, you're probably already have a cell phone. Make it work for you! Download productive apps, and do some network! Set the goal of in the next party you go, meet 3 new people, and network with them.you're future already begun!

Hope you guys liked it! Follow for more!
Lots of love!
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