It started in our school

I saw you standing so cool

I can't help but to drool

Oh my! I look like a fool.

Time passes by,

And I am still shy

We didn't say Hi nor goodbye

But my heart is dying to say "Hi".

As I kept watching you in hall

Didn't know that I would fall,

Didn't know that you would call

Saying those words that break down my wall.

Am I hallucinating?

To see some sparks that igniting

Igniting from your eyes that is so tantalizing

As if you want to say something.

Was it a sin to dream of you at night?

To imagine you holding my hand so tight

And wiping my tears that's blurring my sight

While giving me that smile so bright.

But saw you down there walking hand in hand

She holds your hand and you hold hers so glad

Our gazes met, and a tear escaped immediately

Still got a hold of myself, I smiled, though I'm breaking inside.

Is there any chance for you to notice?

An invisible girl like me?

Would you feel my presence

If I walk away and leave?

If you don't feel the same way,

then why does your eyes say we may?

Why do you stare back at me

Oh God! why are you doing this to me.

Will it be me if you haven't met her?

Or will it be someone else that's prettier?

Of course you'll feel luckier

To date a girl with many admirer.

You really look like a spirit

That I developed a love that is so explicit

And I can't find the exit

Am I inside the movie or the Netflix?