Hello! I started university this August. I struggled first semester with setting up a steady routine, but I definitely want one next semester! This is my routine that I have started following/will be following next semester.

8am: wakeup & stretches

I get up around 8am. I have a lot to do in a day, so although I am not a morning person, this is as late as I can sleep in. As soon as I wake up, I do some light stretches in bed to warm-up my muscles. Such includes:

  • full body stretch
  • side stretch
  • core stretch
  • spine twist
  • knee hug
  • toe circles
  • forearm stretch

8:05: bathroom & skincare

I get up and head down the hall to the communal bathrooms. I use the restroom, put in my contacts, and do all my skincare. I have written an article about my skincare which I will link below.

article, college, and happiness image

8:15: glass of water & brew coffee

I try to drink at least 8 oz right after waking up to hydrate and reinvigorate my body. I have to immediately brew my coffee as it is the only thing that truly awakens me.

Image by Jarbas JacareImage by Jarbas Jacaredrink imageaesthetic, black coffee, and girlboss image

8:20: make my bed & hand cream & get dressed

I like to make my bed every day as it keeps my space a lot more organized. After I make my bed, I put on some lotion then get dressed for the day. Currently, I go to school in DC, so my typical outfit consists of sweaters, jeans, ankle boots, and puffer jackets.

Image by Rosalie H. ♡accessories, pearl, and byredo imageapartment, flowers, and interior imagefashion, girl, and aesthetic image

8:25: hair & makeup

I usually do some bb cream and curl my lashes. I don't do a lot with my hair; sometimes I will try some very basic hairstyles, but normally I just leave my hair down or clip it back.

beauty, makeup, and cosmetics imagebody, girl, and fashion imagedress, indie, and fashion imagebeauty, makeup, and bathroom image

8:35: breakfast

I like to have a good 15-20 minutes to eat some breakfast. Usually, I eat some yogurt, a bagel, or cereal with fruit. I do not have much of an appetite in the morning, so I do not typically have anything else.

Image by Rosalie H. ♡Image by Rosalie H. ♡Image by -food, breakfast, and banana image

8:50-55: head out for work

And that's it! I will perhaps post another routine for the evening soon, so stay posted!