Hey guys ! We’ve decided to write this team article to present to you our resolutions for our mental health & well-being in 2022. Goals, intentions and resolutions don’t necessarily have to be about productivity. This article is here as an invitation for you to think about what would do you good in 2022 ;) Don’t hesitate to tag us if you ever write about what you’d like to promise yourself for your mental health in 2022, we’d like to hear ! Here are the resolutions of a few of our team members.

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Chillie | @Chil_lie

To become healthier mentally

Image by ✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ✧Image by ✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ✧

I mentioned this in the last article I wrote, that I have been struggling with body issues. It began in the beginning of 2021, and I want the beginning of 2022 to be where I put an end to it. I want to grow a healthier relationship with not just food and me, but with myself in general. I want to learn to fully love myself. And of course, I have less serious resolutions or other lighter ones, but this is my most important one for me at least. This is the one I need to truly focus on in order to be successful with others.

Image by ✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ✧Image by ✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ✧

Blanca | @Blinquibell

Keep reinforcing my connectedness with nature

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Usually, I’m not the type of setting resolutions for the new year. It actually goes a bit against my intuitive and impulsive nature to plan out my goals, instead I prefer to simply go with the flow and that has actually really been working best for me. By that I mean if I want to do something I’ll just do it and I feel no need to clarify it as one of my goals first.

Two things gave me this mindset. The first was finding out that whenever I start planning something it’s usually nothing else than procrastination. And the second was that life did usually end up disrupting my plans.

At this point I want to leave a little reminder that everyone is different, the fact that setting clear goals might work perfectly for some people or maybe even the majority of people doesn’t mean there won’t be others who it doesn’t work for. This whole widespread idea of using the new year for a fresh start and of thinking of all the things one would like to reach throughout the next 12 months can cause some people to feel like they are expected to or should do the same. While some might feel an increase in their motivation, others might feel an enormous pressure and even guilt if they don’t achieve their goals.

Please know your worth is not defined by anything like goals or amount of productivity! When you do something, do it because it’s good for you and not because others are doing it!

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I thought this had to be said. Nevertheless, it seems like this year I actually have an intention for my 2022. It feels worth sharing and it’s something I’ve already been engaging in these past months, and that is creating a stronger sense of connectedness with nature.

My aim is to keep reminding myself of its importance - not only this year but also every following one.

Writing my ‘Climate Change and Mental Health’-article was very thought-provoking for me. It really opened my eyes to the fact that our today’s lifestyle almost completely lacks any valuable interaction with nature. This can't be changed from one day to another. Reincluding nature is a slow process and something I want to dedicate myself more to because bonding with the natural world is actually very important for the human (and planetary) well being.

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Astrid | @badasstrid

Stick less to goals : the balance between going with the flow and discipline

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if you wanna check my personal 2022 article !

2021 has been a roller coaster to me. I’ve known myself at my very best and at my very worst in just a few months' span. I’ve started 2021 incredibly, but unfortunately there’s been a fall out on the way. 2021 has taught me that we never know what might happen in life. There’s been so much uncertainty in my own life and all around me this year. Life/ the world didn’t feel “grounded” if I may say. Yet, 2021 taught me strongly that I can always try my best to react in a way that won’t hurt me even more, when bad things happen. Something I wouldn’t really believe before. I thought it was impossible to “control” my reactions and change my emotions. I still do in a way.

I simply realized the purpose is not to control anything (me, my emotions), but indeed to learn to go with the flow while balancing discipline.

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For example, if I feel deep sadness about something, I don’t need to dive even deeper into that sadness. I used to let my emotions consume me. Now, I’d let the emotion live, but I can take care of myself in a way that will permit this sadness to let go, and let me live.

Sticking less to goals/ learning to redefine my goals without blaming myself regarding life's mighty uncertainty is a part of this intention to go with the flow. I now define my goals by semester, every six months, because I feel like it’s always more realistic and true to my own natural rhythm. I like to see my “goals” for the whole year more as intentions.

body therapy through soft sports and stretching

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I have a few intentions regarding my somehow disabling health condition, but I won’t develop much here because it’s pretty personal. As an example I’m willing to share, I’ve decided to start “sports” again this year. Quotation marks are needed because it’ll look more like a progressive and soft physical therapy than real sport, which is more adapted to my condition.

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We're a collaborative account of WeHeartIt writers dedicated to mental health and self-love. We're not the professionals here, simply girls with experiences and a desire to promote mental health awareness. We hope to put simple words on this important subject in order to raise understanding and compassion. Mental health is slowly discussed as a topic we shouldn’t be ashamed of, but there’s still taboo and misconceptions around it. Please ask for help to a professional if you feel overwhelmed by your emotions or struggles of any kind.

You can contact us on Instagram @WHISafePlace or by dm!

You can find our previous articles right here :

article, mental health, and articles imageWHISafePlace
To Compare Yourself to Others

article, body, and skinny imageWHISafePlace
body shaming of the skinny type

Send you much love,


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