Hi and Welcome to my article
Here some questions to get to know me better
1. Do you use a phone case?
no i have a new phone but without phone case i will buy one soon

2. When is your birthday?
27 may 2000

3. Have you ever received flowers? From who?
no ive never received flowers from anyone

4. Do you take care of your skin?
no some days i forget to remove my makeup and sleep with it but i have a lot of great product that work on my face but i just forgot to use them or i just dont do it due to a less energy and because of my anxiety that took me a lot to care about me and my skin

.5. What are you wearing right now?
a sweater with pajama pant

6. What do you have on your walls?
poster of my favorite band and singer and behind my computer i have some family picture and some pic of my dog

7. Have you ever been heartbroken?
no never ive never been in a relationship , im alone and happy

8. What is the most expensive thing that you own?
my computer and my phone

9. What is your favorite movie?
breakfast at tiffany's

10. What is your favorite book?
not a big fan of book i dont like to read
11. What is your favorite tv-show?
You and Money heist

12. Do you work out?
no i have never been in a gym in my entire life and i cannot today due to covid but i start to workout at home but Last year was very hard for me especially my mental health was very low and didnt have energy to do it thats how to live with anixety but start working out is on my list of goals for 2022

13. What was the last movie you watched?
Toy story 4 with my little sister

14. What is your love language?
Physical touch

16. If you could marry anyone on this planet, who would it be?
omg i dont really know...
17. Do you believe in aliens?
18. What is your current lock screen and home screen?
the pic of my lock screen is a pic of my puppy and home screen is a pic of my favorite rapper
19. Have you ever been in love?
No I've never been in love but that's doesn't mean i don't believe it and want to be in love one day but right now i need to focus on myself more

20.What is your favorite word?
21. What is the last thing you do at night?
watch netflix and writing in my journal

22. Do you think iced coffee should only be consumed in the summer or all year round?
all year-round

23. Do you wash your legs in the shower?
yes and i exfoliate them
24.Do you "stan" any celebrities?
Selena gomez

25. Do you have reoccurring dreams?
Go to New york

26.What's your opinion on modern art?
i love art but ive never have change to visit a museum i would love to maybe this year

27. Would you rather have dishes or clothes be magically cleaned?
Have my dishes cleaned

28. If you had unlimited money to start your own business, what would it be?
i would love to have my own clothing brand and open a a store

29. A genie gives you three wishes — what are they?
Pandemic ending
Infinity money
find the love of my life
30. Do you think you will accomplish all your dreams?
i dont know cauze things are pretty hard in my life right now my mental is just not here so good things need times right ? so lets see it
31. Do you believe in astrology?
sometimes not everyday but i love reading my astrology in the journal and see what they say and most of times that say i will finish rich and in love so i read i just for fun cauze i dont take it seriously cauze never who is written happen
32. How can someone earn my trust?
be patient with me and i love good listeners

33. What is the phone app you use the most?
we heart it and tik tok
34. Would you rather cook or order in?
i love to cook but im not good im only good to make pasta so i will order but not just only junk foods

35. Sun or rain?
i love the sound of the rain but rainy are dark and depressed i prefer sunny days

36. Favorite music genre?
i love every kind of music i dont have a favorite genre

37. Who makes you laugh the most?
funny videos or i laugh at something stupid dad jokes
38. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush?
8 and a big fan of justin bieber like most of the girls

39. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?
i prefer watching it at home in my bed with my dogs just to be in my comfort zone

40. What languages can you speak?
french and a little bit english

41. One movie/tv show you can watch over and over?
one tree hill i really love this show its just a good serie i was watching when i was young 2000s baby

42. Are you okay?
not good but im working on me and working on my mental health these days i try too focus on good things but im fine

Thats all
Thank for readings
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