Hi! I am truly happy to be back to writing articles. I wanted to write down this because manifesting using the law of assumption is such a major thing in my life, and I know I will be able to look back to this article later on when I have achieved so many of my desires. I am phrasing it as it already has happened or currently is happening.
Two manifestation articles I recommend checking out is
I am striving for personal growth and I follow successful habits.
Personal growth is about striving to be the best version of yourself. A smarter, stronger, kinder, better version overall. Asking myself "What can I do today to bring me a step closer to the one I want to be?". Following habits starting my day early, intentional phone use, being more giving, and saving money for my future. Eating food that makes me feel well and energized.

I am less afraid of making mistakes
Strive to not fear messing things up. Even if I do mess something up, maybe there's a way I can make my mess my message.

I am in a healthy loving relationship with him
We are a higher-level connection and we make such a lovely couple. Ever since we met in 2019, we have just given and received precious love. The sparks and butterflies never left, and we love each other mutually as deeply. We travel around the world together while experiencing the best days.
"I want you to have your best time with me".

I have traveled to Italy
I have waited a long time on this, but the wait was worth it. I spent several days in Italy with my lovely boyfriend and my wonderful friends. He showed me around in his hometown, and my friends showed me their hometowns as well. Several cities in Lombardy as well as Roma and Venezia. I experienced many corners of Italy while appreciating the culture and language. I spoke Italian with my lovely people and the people I met on the trip. We continue closing the distance. I am not missing out on an opportunity to travel.

I am fluent in Italian
I'm understanding, able to write, and speak Italian at a great level. I start conversations and can keep them going. When I am in Italy I order food and drinks purely in Italian. Practicing Italian brings me joy, and I love being able to talk to my boyfriend's family in Italian, as well as his friends.

I read more and scroll less
In 2021 I haven't read a lot to be completely honest, but it is ok. I read when it felt right, and that's enough. In 2022 I am challenging myself with something I haven't before. I have read 12 books this year. I am reading in the morning after I wake up, and before I go to sleep. If something that means only one chapter at a time, that's ok as well.

This is something I already have done for the past two years, but I do want to progress with it. I have less than 8 hours of screen time. I only keep necessary notifications on, and I only do intentional use of my phone and computer.

I have progressed in the gym and with my gains
I keep lifting heavier and I celebrate each victory. I am giving my body food that fuels it. My glutes have grown further, and my waist has stayed slim. In 2022 I reached a hip thrust PR with 140kg and 180kg in leg press. I maintain my workout split while trying new occasional things to keep my workouts exciting and learning.

Getting desired grades in school
I am eager to learn and to pick up my books. I manage each exam, both written and oral. What helped me was to create a calm study area that I associate with manageable studying. I am one step closer to becoming a nurse.

I am working on my current friendships and I have made new ones.
My bond with my Norwegian friends is stronger, and I have made more friends in my area. We are hosting wine evenings together, and we are going on hiking trips and going tennis. I travel to meet my wonderful friends in Italy, Greece, and Austria. We experience new things together, meditate together, and manifest an improved life together.

thank you so much for reading this article! feel free to check out some of my other articles as well↓
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