Our dad’s told us, if something (or, we guess, someone) is worth doing, then it’s (or they are) worth doing right. While it’s weird to think of our dads while reading this, it’s true. So here are eight ways to get better at sex.
Confidence (but not cockiness, funnily enough) is key in the bedroom. Curling up in the foetal position under the sheets and asking for the lights to be switched off every time you get naked is going to do nothing for the mood (or your size).
Everyone has different erogenous zones; if you don’t know where they are, have fun finding them. Listen for short intakes of breath, whispered words of appreciation, groans to know when you’re hitting the right spots.
Of course, there are also a few universal ones (clitoris, G-spot, prostate) – learn what they are and what to do with them.
Don’t go straight for the goods and
Invest the time and you will reap the rewards.
Despite the whole, you know, body-on-body stuff, sex isn’t just psychical. As humans, we’re always stimulated mentally first, then the body follows – so it pays to get the other person in the right frame of mind.
Ensure all the senses are catered for, be it with music, blindfolds, light touching, or just tidying your living room.
Communication is one of the key factors to having mutually satisfying, mind-blowing sex. As a step up from this, try telling each other what you want to do before you do it. Yes, it can be a bit cringe and result in a few giggles, but learn how to do it well and it’ll get everyone’s juices flowing.
Don’t just aim to get really good at sticking your penis in things. Master kissing, touching, oral and everything else that lays groundwork for the main event.
Ask what and how the other person likes things, get feedback, and over time you’ll build a solid repertoire of moves.
There is such thing as too much of a good thing, but popping your load 30 seconds in is a long way off that mark. If finishing too early is an issue, try training yourself at home (I mean, where else?) with masturbation techniques such as stopping just before climaxing, then starting again.
The penis is an organ made up of muscle tissue, therefore it stands to reason that it can benefit from a workout. A circuit that focuses on building muscle and stamina means you’ll be able to go for longer and attempt more adventurous positions.
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