There are several advantages to regular manscaping. The first is that trimming the bush around a trunk generally makes the tree look bigger (if you get what we mean). The second is that the other person is far likely to be adventurous with their oral sex if they don’t have to worry about getting a pube stuck in their teeth. You don’t need to shave everything till it looks like a sad turkey (unless you want to), but being neat and tidy is always appreciated.
Movies have done for kissing what porn has done for sex (we’ll come to that in a bit) – in that they show exactly what not to do. Kiss with passion, but don’t cover the other person in saliva. Don’t bite like Hannibal Lecter without a warning nibble first. And don’t rip yours or their clothes off – it’s an expensive and not overly sexy habit.
The more time you put into relaxing the other person and getting them in the mood, the more you will reap the rewards. Be patient and take your time: women generally need around 40 minutes to warm up in the bedroom, while guys take a lot less time. A massage is a good starting point when it comes to foreplay because it gives you an opportunity to explore their body and find out where they like to be touched.
It’s only going to make you come quickly, and who’s that going to impress? For everyone’s benefit, swap stabbing it around for the long game with slow rhythmic thrusts. Use your penis to tease erogenous areas and build suspense, or as a break to prolong the action.
You know how it’s polite to let someone through a door before you? Well, the same applies in the sheets – front door, back door, whichever you’re dealing with. There is no bigger turnoff than a selfish lover. To keep the other person coming back for more, remember what your mother taught you (actually, don’t think of her): manners count.
It’s time we broke something to you. Porn sex, like wrestling and the tooth fairy, isn’t real – and nothing good can come from thinking it is. That means not every person is going to want your, erm, stuff all over their face, or surprise anal sex or BDSM out of nowhere. We’re humans, not actors (or wrestlers, before you try a sexy suplex).
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